The PSMDB project funds new ideas that impact on people's health and well-being. Our programme seeks to establish innovative and financially sustainable services that will enable people in need to avoid hospital admissions, stay in their own homes longer and ensure that people can lead as normal a life as possible during an illness or as a result of incapacity.
To achieve this we want to;
Ensure that the people we care for have the best care possible in settings that they choose and are delivered by providers they know and trust.
Reduce the costs to the NHS
Help organisations to work in partnership to deliver bigger and better services
Increase the sustainable income available to local organisations
Delay the need for residential care and hospital admissions
Reduce visits to casualty departments
Reduce the pressure on G.P practices
Keep people fitter and healthier
We can provide;
Start-up funding
Help to put a proposal together
Access to business start-up advice and guidance
On-going support
Sign-posting to access other sources of funding
Help to find partner organisations
Links to mainstream NHS services
Publicity and signposting to your project
What we cannot fund;
Funding for core activity or existing projects
On-going project costs beyond the initial development stage (generally 12 months)
Large capital bids (we can, however, signpost you to alternative providers)
Funding for activities taking place outside of North East Lincolnshire
You will need to;
Demonstrate sound evidence about the need for your service
Show us how you will impact the lives of your service users and how you will prove that impact, and its effects - We can help you to establish systems
Show us how you will sustain after our funding ends (Income from earnings, personalised budgets, etc.)
Demonstrate how you will deliver high-quality services to our service users safely and within current legislation.